
Mining market in China

In the past decade, the Chinese government has issued a series of policies and incentives to promote green mines construction. By 2021, 1,254 mining companies have been listed on the national green mine directory.

With almost 40,000 mines in China, the green mining market represents great opportunities for Canadian mining and services companies.

71 demonstration projects on intelligent mines have been identified nationwide. The market size for coal mine stock processing alone can reach trillions of RMB, of which the intelligent equipment market is about RMB 800 billion, and the infrastructure and integrated platform market related to intelligent development is about RMB 200 billion.

As the non-coal sector continues to expand, China's green mining industry is expected to grow by 30%-50% in the next 20 years.

Key opportunities for Canadian mining companies in China:

Notable challenges for Canadian mining companies in China:

China business landscape:

China's mining industry is enormous. It is the world's leading producer, often by a large margin, of more than 20 metals, including aluminum, cement, coal, gold, graphite, iron and steel lead, magnesium, rare earths, and zinc.

The United States Geological Survey estimates China has accounted for 40-50% of global demand for minerals over the past 3 decades.

While large amounts of minerals are imported into China, domestic production makes up a good portion of supply for almost all commodities.


China is an attractive market for foreign products and services that can help the local industry reach the dual carbon target. Canadian mining supply and service (MSS) firms are already having success in the market, but there is significant scope for growth.

Given the scale of China's mining industry and the push toward green and intelligent mining, Canada's MSS sector is well positioned to provide the services and expertise needed by focusing on a smaller segment which will allow for more targeted strategies.

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