
Mining market in Burkina Faso

Industry highlights

Open on restricted basis

Export Development Canada's position


Global exploration share


World Bank Ease of Doing Business score

Gold, zinc and manganese

lead Burkina Faso's mining sector

Can$2.5 billion

Burkina Faso ranks 19th overall in Canadian mining assets abroad


Canadian companies operating in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has been experiencing a mining boom since the early 2000s, mainly in gold but also in the zinc and manganese sectors. Today, the country is Africa's fifth-largest gold producer. In 2020, the Burkinabe mining sector underwent a significant reorganization, with Endeavour acquiring Canadian mining companies SEMAFO and Teranga. These are the main mining companies operating in Burkina Faso:

Key opportunities for Canadian mining suppliers

Mining operations

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country. This significantly increases logistical costs, particularly for oil and gas supplies, which may account for up to 45% of a mining company's operating costs. Companies are therefore looking for ways to increase energy efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.  

In the dry Sahelian climate, mining operations generate a huge amount of dust; mining companies seek dust-reduction solutions.

There are also many business opportunities in the environmental field, including consulting services, waste management and site rehabilitation.

Health and safety

The security situation is especially challenging in Burkina Faso. Mining companies that most often operate in areas where security is a major challenge increase their investments in security systems to keep their operations going and ensure the safe transport of their employees and logistics convoys. Therefore, there are needs for:

This is in addition to routine needs, particularly in terms of personal protective equipment.

Mine site construction

The only mine under construction currently in Burkina Faso is Orezone's mine in Bomboré. This US$153‑million project is nearly finished and mine production will begin in the third quarter of 2022. The opportunities that it will offer are mainly in the areas of operational efficiency, security and environmental protection.   

Notable challenges for Canadian mining suppliers in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso business landscape

Request a meeting

To learn more about the mining industry in Burkina Faso, contact Mamadou Ouattara (, Trade Commissioner, at the Embassy of Canada to Burkina Faso.

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