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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a multilateral development bank with shareholders consisting of 71 countries, including Canada (a founding member), plus the European Union and the European Investment Bank. Initially focused on the former Eastern Bloc countries, it is active in 36 economies from central and eastern Europe to Central Asia and North Africa.

The Bank invests in projects that cannot be funded solely by the private sector, but which follow sound banking principles. It works mainly with private clients, though it also finances public entities that deliver essential infrastructure, goods and services.

The EBRD offers loan and equity finance, guarantees, leasing facilities, trade finance, and professional development support programs. Small projects are financed both directly by the EBRD or through "financial intermediaries." The Bank's priorities respond to changing circumstances, COVID recovery programs have been initiated and a €2B Resilience package for Ukraine was established following Russia's invasion in 2022.

EBRD contracted in 2018-2021 US $13 Billion (Latest available data), average annual US $3 Billion
RegionApprovals (%)
Central Europe and the Baltic states12%
South eastern Europe20%
Central Asia12%
Southern and eastern Mediterranean17%
Eastern Europe and the Caucasus19%
SectorApprovals (%)
Property and tourism2%
Power and energy21%
Natural resources6%
Municipal and environment14%
Manufacturing and services8%
Leasing finance2%
Depository credit (banks)19%

Source: Annual Procurement Review

* Shares have been calculated from banking credit exposure. Source: Financial Reports, EBR

Regions with fastest growth in funding: Central Asia, Greece, Türkiye and South Eastern Europe

In 2019, 0.15% of contract value was from Canadian origin (hydropower).

Procurement processes

The EBRD's Procurement Policies and Rules (PPR) are based on the fundamental principles of non-discrimination, fairness and transparency. They are designed to promote efficiency and effectiveness and to minimize risk in the implementation of the Bank's lending and investment operations. Refer Procurement Notices, Standard Bidding Documents for procurement of goods, works and services.

Consulting services

Consultancy services to support the Bank and its clients' operations (e.g., feasibility studies, due diligence assessments, project implementation, institution building, legal reforms and all other consultancy services) are all procured or overseen by the Bank's Technical Cooperation Unit.

Participant Registration provides consultants with a single point of entry into EBRD Client e-Procurement Portal (ECEPP).

Goods and works

The Bank permits firms and individuals from all countries to offer goods, works and services for Bank-financed projects, regardless of whether the country is a member of the Bank. The borrower is the primary source of information, and is responsible for all aspects of procurement,

Private sector financing

EBRD seeks to encourage private sector involvement in the provision of public infrastructure and services through a variety of means, ranging from service contracts to concession arrangements frequently involving large-scale and complex construction and operation.

EBRD financing for private sector projects generally ranges from $5 million to $250 million in the form of loans or equity. The average EBRD investment is $25 million. Smaller projects may be financed through financial intermediaries or through special programs for smaller direct investments in the less advanced countries.

Corporate procurement

The EBRD purchases a wide range of good and services for internal use, from infrastructure upgrades, IT equipment and office consumables to outsourced catering, cleaning and printing services. The Corporate Procurement Policy (PDF format) sets out the Bank's rules for obtaining goods, works and services for its Headquarters' operation and for its Resident Offices funded by its own administrative budget.

Assistance for SMEs and Woman led businesses

The Bank works to help women unlock their potential, strengthen their skills and encourages their participation in business. It provides access to finance through credit lines to local banks dedicated to women-led small and medium-size businesses, and business advice, training and support for women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses.

It also works with partner banks to help them offer financial products and advice that better meet the needs of women-led businesses.

The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) is knowledgeable about the EBRD programs for SMEs and women led business and can help open doors and create opportunities for SMEs and women-owned or led businesses. Assistance includes international business delegations, certifications, adapting marketing materials, and search engine optimization. For more information, read more about EBRD on women entrepreneurs finance initiative.

Frequently asked questions

How is EBRD different from World Bank or other multi-lateral development banks (MDBs)?

The EBRD puts a greater emphasis than other MDBs on working with private sector businesses and on fostering the development of open and sustainable market economies in countries committed to and applying, democratic principles.

How is the EBRD structured and who are the officials that need to be met?

EBRD is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is a large organization with regional offices and sector teams, making it sometimes challenging to identify key decision-makers. A good point of entry is via the Canada Office at EBRD. The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) of Canada in London,, can make an introduction to the Canada office, or the office can be contacted directly at Alternatively a form may be completed by a project sponsor and sent to the Bank in order to get advice on how to proceed.

What is the difference between the Procurement Department and the Corporate Procurement at EBRD, and what does the Consultancy Services Unit do?

The Procurement Department develops policies and rules which govern the Bank's procurement and that of its borrowers who are responsible for implementing Bank-financed projects. The Procurement Operations and Delivery Department is responsible for advising on and assisting with the procurement of goods and services necessary for the operation of the Bank's Headquarters and its Resident Offices.

If we are interested in working with the EBRD, is it possible to present our services?

The TCS of Canada is happy to connect you with the appropriate people within EBRD based on your needs. Alternatively the Bank's contact us page provides details of who to contact with unsolicited proposals

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