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Joint Statement between the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills of the United Kingdom concerning Joint Initiatives in the Fields of Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada and Department of Business, Innovation and Skills of the United Kingdom, hereinafter referred to as “the Participants,”

Wishing to strengthen their bilateral co-operation in the fields of science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship;

Pursuant to the Canada-United Kingdom Joint Declaration for renewed bilateral engagement and international cooperation endorsed by Prime Ministers Harper and Cameron in Ottawa on 22 September 2011;

Recognizing that science, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation are fundamental to economic growth and prosperity; that their countries are global leaders in complementary scientific research areas; that international collaboration is mutually beneficial to the researchers and businesses of their countries; and that to succeed in the global innovation economy, there is a need to strengthen their respective abilities to accelerate the commercialisation of emerging technologies;

Aspiring to develop and strengthen partnerships that ensure both countries’ access to leading technologies and scientific advances;

Have come to the following understanding:

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Joint Statement is to enhance collaboration between the government bodies, knowledge based institutions, and businesses in the areas of science, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation that are of high strategic priority to both countries.

2. Definitions

For the purposes of this Joint Statement, “innovation” means the exploitation of new ideas to create economic, social, and environmental value.

3. Objectives

The objectives of this Joint Statement are to:

4. Areas of Co-operation

5. Forms of Co-operation

The Participants understand that initiatives under this Joint Statement may take the following forms:

6. Progress Reporting

The Participants will collaborate on an annual report that will outline the initiatives carried out, the results of these initiatives and the success stories that have been generated through this mutual cooperation.

7. Funding

The Participants understand that initiatives under this Joint Statement will depend on the availability of their respective funds and resources.

8. Final Dispositions

Signed in duplicate at Montreal, this 8th day of May 2012, in the English and French languages, each version being equally valid.


For the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade of Canada


The Honourable Ed Fast
Minister of International Trade

For the Department of Business, Innovation
and Skills of the United Kingdom


Lord Green
Minister of State for Trade and Investment

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