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Bi-/Multilateral Research Project-based Cooperation

Japan’s scheme

G8 Research Council Initiative

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: This initiative aims to support excellent research on topics of global relevance which can best be tackled by a multinational approach. Over the 5-year duration of the program, proposals are openly solicited and projects implemented under three selected themes. The program funds consortiums of researchers from at least three of the participating countries, who carry out cross-disciplinary research on prevailing global issues. (NSERC participates as funding agency of the Canadian side)

Funding amount: Up to JPY 15 million per project per year

Support duration: 2–3 years

Eligibility: Research groups in G8 countries

Further information: G8 Research Councils Initiative for Multilateral Research Funding: Program Outline


Human Frontier Science Program

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) supports innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems, with emphasis placed on novel approaches involving scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. HFSP encourages research into biological problems involving approaches and knowledge from various disciplines such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering because significant new ideas, techniques and discoveries often arise at the boundaries between disciplines.

Further information:HFSP has three areas of funding of interest, they include: HFSP Research Grants; HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships; and, HFSP Career Development Award. Three competitions are launched annually.

Contact: Human Frontier Science Program - Funding

Core-to-Core Program – Advanced Research Networks

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: This program works to establish collaborative ties between top world-class research centers in Japan that partner over the long term with core research institutions around the world in advancing research that is considered leading-edge in Japan, while fostering the next generations of trailblazing young researchers.

Projects under this program must be carried out with at least two other countries and require counterpart research organizations to secure matching funds equivalent to JSPS’s grant.

Target research: Research topics considered to be cutting edge and internationally important in Japan

Target countries: Two or more countries having diplomatic relations with Japan

Project funding: Up to JPY 20 million per project per year

Project period: Up to 5 years

Eligibility: Co-chairs must hold a full-time or equivalent position as a researcher employed at the Japanese core institution.

Application to:JSPS

Application deadline: October

Further information: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - Core-to-Core Program


JST Strategic International Research Cooperative Program (SICP)

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) has been implementing the Strategic International Research Cooperative Program based on bilateral agreements at the government level. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) decides countries and research fields of cooperation.

Funding amount: 5 million JPY per project per year

Support duration: 3 years

Eligibility: Research groups in Japan

Further information: Strategic International Research Cooperative Program

JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: To promote international joint research in target countries, regions and fields, specified as strategically important by the government, based on intergovernmental agreements with developed countries including Europe and the U.S., and with other East Asian countries, aiming at the development of the East Asia Science & Innovation area.

Funding amount: Up to 200 million JPY per project

Support duration: Up to 5 years

Eligibility: Research groups in Japan

Further information: Strategic International Collaborative Research Program

Canada’s scheme

NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Grants (CRD)

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: The CRD program supports R&D projects undertaken by university researchers and their private-sector partners. Awards cover up to half of the direct project costs, with the industrial partner(s) providing the balance in cash and in-kind. Collaborations are expected to result in industrial or economic benefits to Canada.

Eligibility: Partner companies operating from a Canadian base must participate in projects, contribute at least half of the resources, and exploit the research results in Canada. Other partners (foreign universities or companies) can join these partnerships.

Funding amount:CRD awards range from $10,000 to $500,000 per year for 1-5 years. The application success rate is approximately 90 percent.

Application deadline: Year-round applications.

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Contact Us

Human Frontier Science Program

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) supports innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems, with emphasis placed on novel approaches involving scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. HFSP encourages research into biological problems involving approaches and knowledge from various disciplines such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering because significant new ideas, techniques and discoveries often arise at the boundaries between disciplines.

Further information:HFSP has three areas of funding of interest, they include: HFSP Research Grants; HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships; and, HFSP Career Development Award. Three competitions are launched annually.

Contact: Human Frontier Science Program - Funding

CIHR’s International Planning Grants

Target scientists: Research groups/Individual collaboration

Overview: This program provides an opportunity for discussion and planning of international research collaboration to assess the viability of the research project and the partnership. The intention of the program is to increase the international research collaboration between Canadian and foreign researchers.

Eligibility: Nominated Principal Applicants must be an independent researcher and must have an academic or research appointment with an eligible Canadian Institution. Foreign researchers can be principal applicants or co-applicants.

Application to:CIHR

Application deadline: Mid-October

Funding amount: CAN$25,000 per project

Duration: Up to one year

Further information: ResearchNet

Contact: Danièle St-Jean

Going Global Innovation

Target scientists: Research groups/Individual collaboration

Overview: Financial contributions to Canadian researchers or SME for collaborative R&D project with one international counterpart or more. Applications are sent to DFAIT’s Innovation Science and Technology Division (BBT)

Funding amount: CAN$1 million. Projects are funded up to $CAN 75,000.00 or up to 75% of eligible costs. Projects need to be of a minimum of $CAN 5,000.00

Eligibility: Canadian SME, Canadian Universities, and Canadian Non-government research centres

Application deadline: Can be sent year round. Applications need to be submitted at least 8 weeks before project start date.

Further information: Global Commerce Support Program


NSERC Strategic Network Grants (SNG)

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: The SNG program funds complex research proposals that involve multi-sectoral collaborations in targeted areas that could strongly enhance Canada’s economy, society or environment within the next 10 years.

Eligibility: Partner companies operating from a Canadian base must participate in projects, contribute cash and in-kind resources to the network, and participate actively in the network activities. Other partners (foreign universities or companies) can join these networks – applicants are encouraged to incorporate international collaborations into their proposals.

Funding amount:SNG awards range from $500,000 to $1,000,000 per year, for 5 years.

Application deadline: Scheduled competitions. The average application success rate is 10 percent.

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Contact Us

NSERC Strategic Project Grants (SPG)

(Cooperation mechanism is now under consideration with JST-SICP)

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview: The SPG program funds early-stage project research in areas that could strongly enhance Canada’s economy, society and environment in the next 10 years.

Eligibility: Partner companies need to operate from a Canadian base, participate in the project (no need to contribute resources in cash), and collaborate on an ongoing basis throughout the project. Other partners (foreign universities or companies) can collaborate on projects – applicants are encouraged to incorporate international collaborations into their proposals.

Funding amount: SPG awards typically range from $60,000 to $250,000 per year over three years.

Application deadline: Scheduled competitions. The average application success rate is 25 percent.

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Contact Us

CIHR’s Open Operating Grant Program (OOGP)

Target scientists: Research groups/Individual collaboration

Overview: This program provides operating funds to support research proposals in all areas of health research including randomized controlled trials. Foreign researchers or group can collaborate on Canadian individual and/or team grants.

Funding amount: No minimum with respect to funds being requested; maximum of $12.5 million as there is a large grant budget envelope of $12.5 million per competition

Support duration: No maximum or minimum with respect to the term of funding

Eligibility: Nominated Principal Applicants must be an independent researcher and must have an academic or research appointment with an eligible Canadian Institution. Foreign researchers can be principal applicants or co-applicants.

Application to:CIHR

Application deadline: Twice a year (February and August to register intent and then March and September for full applications)

Further information: ResearchNet


Bi-/Multilateral Symposia and Research Information Exchange

Canada’s scheme

NSERC Partnership Workshop Program (PWP)

Target scientists: Research groups

Overview:PWP funds workshops for building new collaborations between Canadian academic researchers and the industry and government receptor community.

Eligibility: Partner companies need to operate from a Canadian base and be prepared to participate in research collaboration. Other partners (foreign universities or companies) can join these workshops.

Funding amount:PWP awards are up to $25,000 for one year

Application deadline: Year-round applications

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Contact Us

Exchange of People and Support of International Training Programs

Japan to Canada

The Sauvé Scholars Program

Target scientists: Students

Overview: Each year, up to 14 remarkable young leaders are invited to come to Montreal for the academic calendar year. They enjoy unlimited access to McGill University’s academic programs and other resources – including lectures, conferences and events suited to the advancement of their individual professional and intellectual goals – while benefiting from the communal life and multi-faceted exchanges with their fellow Scholars.

Funding amount: The program provides a monthly allowance to cover meals and incidental expenses, and scholars are required to live in the Sauvé House.

Support duration: 9 months (academic year)

Eligibility: Must be between 23 and 30 years of age, have a minimum of 3 years of work or other professional experience, and have completed undergraduate education. A record of accomplishment and ability to meet challenges is also expected.

Application to: Jeanne Sauvé Foundation

Deadline: Once per year

Further information: The Sauvé Scholars Program


Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program

Target scientists:PhD students

Overview: The Vanier Program provides financial support to Canadian and International students who have achieved exceptional success in their studies and will pursue a doctoral program in a Canadian university.

Funding amount: $CAN 50,000 per year for 3 years

Eligibility: Both Canadian and international students

Application to: Canadian university

Deadline: Set by the nominating university

Further information: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships


Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program

Target scientists: Postdoctoral researchers

Overview: The program provides support to top-tier postdoctoral researchers (at full program maturity), both nationally and internationally, to further their work at universities in Canada and abroad.

Funding amount: $CAN 70,000 per year for 2 years

Eligibility: Canadian and international researchers who have recently completed a PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree.

Application to: Canadian university

Deadline: Autumn

Further information: Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships


CIHR Fellowships

Target scientists:PhD students and postdoctoral researchers

Overview: Provides financial support to postdoctoral fellows undertaking high quality research projects in Canada.

Funding amount: Up to $CAN 60,000 per year

Support duration: Up to 5 years

Eligibility: Both Canadians and citizens of other countries holding or completing a PhD or a health professional degree (or equivalent).

Application to:CIHR

Deadline: Once per year (October)

Further information: ResearchNet


CIFAR’s Global Scholars

Target scientists: Postdoctoral researchers

Overview: The CIFAR Global Scholars comprise an elite fellowship program that builds research and leadership capacity in gifted young scholars at a critical early stage of career development.

Funding amount: For two years, annual funding for Global Scholars appointed as postdoctoral fellows is $70,000 per year for salary and extended health benefits, and $5,000 per year for research support. In social sciences, Global Scholars may hold a junior faculty position and receive funding of $50,000 per year for research support.

Eligibility: Must have completed PhD within three years prior to an advertised Global Scholar position starting date. The fellowships are open to citizens of any country.

Application to:CIFAR

Deadline: Twice per year

Further information: CIFAR Global Scholars Overview


JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad

Target scientists: Postdoctoral researchers

Overview: Fellowship gives excellent young Japanese researchers an opportunity to carry out long-term research at an overseas university or research institution to foster highly capable researchers with wide international perspectives.

Funding amount: Round-trip airfare, a maintenance allowance.

Support duration: 2 years


  1. Postdoctoral researchers employed as full-time researchers in Japanese universities, research institutions or national laboratories; or
  2. postdoctoral researchers who aspire to the above full-time research positions.

Application to:JSPS

Deadline: Middle of May


Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation

Target scientists: Researchers (45 years or younger)

Overview: This program works to foster excellent young Japanese researchers who will become the nucleus of scientific networks that transcend conventional brain gain and drain in circulating talent internationally.

Funding amount:

  1. Travel fee for young researchers; and
  2. research expenses for international joint research (Up to 30 million Japanese yen per year per project).

Support duration: 1-3 years

Eligibility: Japanese universities, and research institutes eligible to apply for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)

Application to: From university (institute) president to JSPS

Further information: Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation


JSPS-NSERC Bilateral Program

Target scientists: Researchers

Overview: Support for Japanese researchers to visit and engage in research/discussions with colleagues in Canada. Proposals are openly recruited and selected after reviews conducted respectively by JSPS and NSERC.

Funding amount:JSPS provides them with round-trip airfare and NSERC provides them with a maintenance allowance during their stays in Canada.

Support duration: Short-term 14-30 days, Long term 3-10 months

Eligibility: Applicants must hold a full-time or equivalent position as a researcher at a university or research institute in Japan.

Application to: Applicants submit to JSPS

Deadline: Middle of September

Further information: JSPS Bilateral Programs


NSERC’s Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories Program

Target scientists: Researchers

Overview: Provides promising emerging scientists and engineers with the opportunity to work with research groups or leaders in Canadian government laboratories and research institutions.

Funding amount: $47,234 per year

Support duration: One year, renewable for up to two more years

Eligibility: Must have received a doctoral degree in the natural sciences or engineering from a recognized university within the past five years. There are no restrictions on the nationality of applicants

Application to:NSERC

Deadline: There are no deadlines for application to this program; applications are processed and reviewed as they are received.

Further information: NSERC’s Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government Laboratories Program

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Contact Us

JSPS Open Partnership Joint Projects/Seminars

Target scientists: Researchers

Overview: Support for Japanese researchers to visit and engage in research/discussions with colleagues in all over the world.

Funding amount:JSPS supports the expenses of the Japanese teams, mainly travel and accommodation costs. (Up to 2.5 million JPY per year, per project)

Support duration: 

  • Joint Project: 1-2 years
  • Joint Seminar: up to 1 week

Eligibility of Japanese applicants: Applicants must hold a full‐time or equivalent position as a researcher at a university or research institute in Japan that is eligible to receive Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).

Application to:JSPS

Deadline: Once a year (February)

Further information: JSPS Bilateral Programs


Canada to Japan

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program

Target scientists: Students

Overview: Study Fellowships for undergraduate studies, graduate studies, postgraduate studies, and PhD studies

Support duration: Two years, or one and a half year

Eligibility: Canadian students

Application to: The Embassy of Japan, the Consulate General of Japan in Canada

Deadline: Around May (decided in every year)

Further information: Study In Japan Comprehensive Guide

Contact: Mr. T. Nishiyama, First Secretary, the Embassy of Japan

JSPS Summer Program

Target scientists: Students

Overview: Fellowships for young pre- and post-doctoral researchers from Canada, the US, the UK, France and Germany to provide the opportunities for research experience in Japan.

Funding amount: Round-trip air ticket, a maintenance allowance during their stay in Japan

Support duration: 2 months in summer

Eligibility: Citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country

Application process and deadline: Please contact Ms. Marilou Denis, Trade commissioner, the Embassy of Canada in Japan.

Further information: JSPS Summer Program


NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program

Target scientists: Students and postdoctoral researchers

Overview: CREATE supports the training of teams of highly qualified students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad, through the development of innovative training programs. 60 percent of CREATE funding will be directed to four priority areas: environmental science and technologies, natural resources and energy, health and and related life sciences and technologies, and information and communications technologies.

Eligibility: The programs must encourage collaborative/integrative approaches that address significant scientific challenges and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees.

Support amount and duration: CREATE awards offer up to $150,000 in year 1; up to $300,000 per year, for years 2-6.

Contact: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Contact Us

The Japan Foundation of Japanese Studies Fellowship (Doctoral Candidates)

Target scientists:PhD students

Overview: In order to promote Japanese Studies overseas, this program provides support to doctoral candidates in Japanese Studies by providing them with the opportunity to conduct research in Japan.

Funding amount: Round-trip airfare, monthly stipend, dependent allowance, insurance, etc.

Support duration: 4-14 months

Eligibility: Citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country (experts in the fields of natural science, medical science, and engineering are excluded)

Application to: The Japan Foundation (Toronto) or the Japanese diplomatic mission in Canada

Deadline: December 2013

Further information: The Japan Foundation

Contact: The Japan Foundation - Contact Us

Trudeau Scholarships

Target scientists:PhD students

Overview: The Trudeau Scholarship supports interdisciplinary research and original fieldwork by providing a substantial yearly allowance for research and travel, enabling the Scholars to gain first-hand contact with the diverse communities that can enrich their studies.

Funding amount: Each scholarship consists of a $40,000 per year award and an annual travel allowance of $20,000.

Support duration: Up to 4 years

Eligibility: Applicants must be applying into the first year of a PhD or be registered in first or second year of a PhD. Priority is given to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants.

Application to: Trudeau Foundation via your university

Deadline: Once per year

Further information: Trudeau Foundation Scholarships


JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term) for North American and European Researchers

Target scientists:PhD students and postdoctoral researchers

Overview: Research fellowships for young pre- and post-doctoral researchers from the US, Canada and Europe

Funding amount: Round-trip air ticket, a monthly maintenance allowance during their stay in Japan

Support duration: 1-12 months

Eligibility: Citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country

Application to:JSPS (through host researchers in Japan)


  • 1st recruitment: 5-12 October 2012 (April 2013 - March 2014)
  • 2nd recruitment: 16-22 November 2012 (April 2013 - March 2014)
  • 3rd recruitment: 28 January - 1 February 2013 (June 2013 - March 2014)
  • 4th recruitment: 1-5 April 2013 (August 2013 - March 2014)
  • 5th recruitment: 2-10 May 2013 (September 2013 - March 2014)
  • 6th recruitment: 29 July - 2 August 2013 (December 2013 - March 2014)

Further information: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term)


CIFAR’s Global Scholars

Target scientists: Postdoctoral researchers

Overview: The CIFAR Global Scholars comprise an elite fellowship program that builds research and leadership capacity in gifted young scholars at a critical early stage of career development.

Funding amount: For two years, annual funding for Global Scholars appointed as postdoctoral fellows is $70,000 per year for salary and extended health benefits, and $5,000 per year for research support. In social sciences, Global Scholars may hold a junior faculty position and receive funding of $50,000 per year for research support.

Eligibility: Must have completed PhD within three years prior to an advertised Global Scholar position starting date. The fellowships are open to citizens of any country.

Application to: Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

Deadline: Twice per year

Further information: CIFAR Global Scholars Overview


JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers

Target scientists: Postdoctoral researchers

Overview: Research fellowships for young postdoctoral researchers outside Japan

Funding amount: Round-trip air ticket, a monthly maintenance allowance, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research during their stay in Japan

Support duration: 12-24 months

Commencement of fellowship:

  • 1st Recruitment: April 1 of the year – September 30 of the following year
  • 2nd Recruitment: September 1 of the year – November 30 of the following year

Eligibility: Citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan

Application to:JSPS (through host researchers in Japan) or to the Canadian nominating authorities (NSERC, CIHR)

Deadline (for host institution):

  • 1st Recruitment: early September in the previous year
  • 2nd Recruitment: early May in the year

Further information: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers


JSPS Invitation Fellowships for Research in Japan (Long-term)

Target scientists: Mid-career to professor-level researchers

Overview: Invitation fellowships for mid-career to professor-level researchers to conduct research in Japan

Funding amount: Round-trip air ticket, a monthly maintenance allowance during their stay in Japan

Support duration: 2-10 months

Commencement of fellowship: April 1 of the year – March 31 of the following year

Eligibility: Citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan

Application to:JSPS (through host researchers in Japan) or to the Canadian nominating authorities (NSERC, CIHR)

Deadline (for host institution): Early September in the previous year

Further information: Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan


The Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship (Scholars and Researchers, Long-Term)

Target scientists: Mid-career to professor-level researchers

Overview: In order to promote Japanese Studies overseas, this program provides support to outstanding foreign scholars in Japanese Studies by providing them with the opportunity to conduct research in Japan.

Funding amount: Round-trip airfare, Monthly stipend, Dependent allowance, Insurance, etc.

Support duration: 2-12 months

Eligibility: Citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country (experts in the fields of natural science, medical science, and engineering are excluded)

Application to: The Japan Foundation (Toronto) or Japanese diplomatic mission in Canada

Deadline: December 2013

Further information: The Japan Foundation

Contact: The Japan Foundation - Contact Us

The Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship (Scholar and Researchers, Short-term)

Target scientists: Mid-career to professor researchers

Overview: In order to promote Japanese Studies overseas, this program provides support to outstanding foreign scholars in Japanese Studies by providing them with the opportunity to conduct research in Japan.

Funding amount: Round-trip airfare, Per-diem allowance, Insurance, etc.

Support duration: 21-59 days

Eligibility: Citizen or permanent resident of an eligible country (experts in the fields of natural science, medical science, and engineering are excluded)

Application to: The Japan Foundation (Toronto) or Japanese diplomatic mission in Canada

Deadline: December 2013

Further information: The Japan Foundation

Contact: The Japan Foundation - Contact Us

JSPS Invitation Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term)

Target scientists: Professor-level researchers

Overview: Invitation fellowships for researchers with an excellent record of research achievements to come to Japan.

Funding amount: Round-trip air ticket, a daily maintenance allowance

Support duration: 14-60 days

Commencement of fellowship:

  • 1st Recruitment: April 1 of the year – March 31 of the following year
  • 2nd Recruitment: October 1 of the year – March 31 of the following year

Eligibility: Citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan

Application to:JSPS (through host researchers in Japan) or to the Canadian nominating authorities (NSERC, CIHR)

Deadline (for host institution):

  • 1st Recruitment: early September in the previous year
  • 2nd Recruitment: early May in the year

Further information: Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan


JSPS Invitation Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term S)

Target scientists: Researchers

Overview: Invitation awards for Nobel laureates and other leading scientists

Funding amount: Round-trip air ticket, a daily maintenance allowance

Support duration: 7-30 days

Commencement of fellowship:

  • 1st Recruitment: April 1 of the year – March 31 of the following year
  • 2nd Recruitment: October 1 of the year – March 31 of the following year

Eligibility: Citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan

Application to:JSPS (through host researchers in Japan) or to the Canadian nominating authorities (NSERC, CIHR)

Deadline (for host institution):

  • 1st Recruitment: early September in the previous year
  • 2nd Recruitment: early May in the year

Further information: Invitation Fellowship Programs for Research in Japan


NEDO Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program

Target scientists: Researchers

Overview: The Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program supports international collaboration among private companies for conducting R&D in advanced fundamental technology related to mining or manufacturing by inviting foreign-based researchers to Japan. The program is supported through funding by the Japan Trust, which is a charitable trust established in 1985 and managed by NEDO. The trust is based on donations from benefactors.

Funding amount: The program covers travel and living expenses of foreign-based researchers who participate in collaborative R&D in Japan.

Support duration: Up to 12 months per researcher


  • Qualification requirements for applicants:
    • Applicants should be Japanese private companies who wish to invite foreign-based researchers to conduct collaborative research and development on advanced fundamental technology related to mining or manufacturing.
  • Qualification requirements for research invitees (research invitees are required to meet both of the following conditions):
    • Those who can participate in research and development or academic and education-related activities at the host company for a specified period of time up to a maximum of twelve months.
    • Those who have distinguished research achievements in advanced fundamental technology related to mining or manufacturing, and an academic degree or research ability equivalent to a Japanese doctorate.

Application to:NEDO (through host companies in Japan)

Deadline: Once a year

Further information: Japan Trust International Research Cooperation Program (Japanese only)


Industry Partnerships between regions in Japan and Canada

Japan to Canada

JETRO’s Regional Industry Tie-up (RIT) Program

Target scientists: Industrial clusters/regional industry organizations, small & medium enterprises, and research institutions

Overview: The program is to promote two-way industrial exchange and collaboration between regions in Japan and other countries, with the aim of facilitating business tie-ups to develop markets, exchange technology and boost local economies.

JETRO’s support:JETRO supports industry organizations to build relationship with foreign counterparts. Under the relationship, companies meet and start business. It provides varying levels of support and assistance for one to three years; dispatching an expert from foreign region to Japan, delegation from Japanese region visiting foreign region, delegation from foreign region visiting Japanese region.

JETRO bears certain costs associated with program activities, but does not give financial assistance directly to participating regions.

Eligibility: Local business/industry organizations in Japan that represent the industry in the region such as regional industry associations, chambers of commerce and regional governments.

Recent RITs with Canadian regions:

  • FY 2009-2011 Okayama Prefecture – Ontario (bio-based materials)
  • FY 2009-2011 Hiroshima City – Montreal City (aerospace)

Further information: JETRO’s Regional Industry Tie-up (RIT) Program (Japanese only) or JETRO Toronto


Canadian Institutions

Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC)
General contact:

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
General contact: Ms. Jacqueline Jorge

Japanese Institutions

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
General Contact: Ms. Miwa Shimizu

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
General Contact: Ms. Yumiko Miyashita, Department of International Affairs

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