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Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning cooperation over Scientific Research and Innovation

The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter referred to jointly as the "Participants",

Wishing to strengthen bilateral cooperation that delivers excellence, and impacts across all fields of research and innovation, including the social sciences and the humanities, and aspiring to work across three pillars of research and innovation collaboration: deep science and technology; commercialisation of innovation; and science diplomacy and governance;

Recognising that research and innovation are fundamental to economic growth, prosperity and security; that their countries are global leaders in complementary research, development and innovation; that international collaboration is mutually beneficial to the governments, researchers and businesses of their countries; that to succeed in the global innovation economy, there is a need to strengthen their respective abilities to accelerate the commercialisation of emerging technologies and the growth of domestic businesses; and that appropriate and risk-targeted research security measures can enhance the foundations of academic freedom, research integrity, open science, transparency, and trusted collaborations for mutual benefit;

Endeavouring to promote the inclusion of under-represented groups, including women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities as well as the perspectives, expertise and knowledge of the Global South through equitable global partnerships throughout the research and innovation continuum, and the intersectionality at which they sit, to share the ensuing opportunities and economic benefits in both countries;

Aspiring to develop and strengthen strategic partnerships that ensure their countries' secure access to leading and emerging technologies, scientific advances, and mutually beneficial opportunities to promote the growth and safeguarding of both countries' economies, security, societal and environmental well-being;

Building on existing Canada-United Kingdom research and innovation initiatives as well as on new bilateral or multilateral initiatives in research and innovation, including on space matters, in which they each may take part;

Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning Science, Technology and Innovation, signed at Ottawa on 18 September 2017 ("the 2017 MOU");

Noting that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is now the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and thus the continuing entity for the purposes of this new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU);

Have come to the following understanding:

1. Purpose

  1. The purpose of this MOU is for the Participants to enhance strategic scientific research and innovation cooperation between government bodies, knowledge-based institutions, clusters and businesses of their respective countries.
  2. This MOU outlines the forms of cooperation, summarises overall themes for cooperation, and includes an Annex summarising priorities as they may be decided upon by the Participants. The Participants intend the "three pillar" structure to aid this MOU's application and the Participants' joint monitoring and evaluation of the partnership.
  3. This MOU supersedes and terminates the 2017 MOU, but any written understandings approved by the Participants under the 2017 MOU will continue to have effect.

2. Forms of collaboration

The Participants will explore opportunities to strengthen cooperation across the following three pillars:

  1. Pillar 1: Deep Science and Technology
    1. Encouraging cooperation in mutual areas of interest as identified in Annex A.
    2. Facilitating advanced research and development cooperation, including shared use of resources and infrastructure between centers of excellence, clusters, research facilities, commercialisation hubs and businesses in areas of mutual interest.
    3. Facilitating increased secure access to technology, markets and talent, including through mobility programmes, such as the exchange of researchers, academics, business professionals, students and technical experts.
  2. Pillar 2: Commercialisation of Innovation
    1. Linking their respective innovation ecosystems to support the commercialisation and adoption of emerging and transformative technologies.
    2. Encouraging stronger cross-border collaboration for business-led research and development – including within the start-up and scale-up communities – in support of resilient and secure value chains.
    3. Leveraging innovation ecosystems to explore new industry-academia collaborative models that turn advanced research into commercial applications.
    4. Fostering cooperation regarding relevant initiatives between knowledge-based institutions, clusters, and businesses from both countries.
  3. Pillar 3: Science Diplomacy and Governance
    1. Exchanging views and experiences on issues such as international standards, governance and regulation of new technologies, long-term global energy security, international research infrastructures and their networks, and successful measures and programmes to foster innovation.
    2. Deepening dialogue on research security and other relevant research and innovation policy areas, in preparation for engagement in wider bilateral and multilateral forums, such as the G7 and G20.
    3. Encouraging the exchange of information and sharing of best practices related to the science, research and innovation ecosystems of both countries at the governmental, institutional, academic and industry levels, including on practices, policies, laws, and other regulations, as well as the inclusion of Indigenous knowledge systems.
    4. Strengthening joint understanding about how their research communities are contributing to multilateral partnerships, such as the Global Centers and Horizon Europe, and identifying opportunities to enhance joint engagement and leadership.

3. Inclusive participation

Across each of the three pillars, the Participants will encourage the participation of under-represented groups throughout the research and innovation continuum and ecosystem. They will also acknowledge the increasing importance of participation from the Global South through global partnerships, and encourage inclusive excellence through equitable partnerships.

4. Intellectual property

If any intellectual property matters arise from the application of this MOU, the Participants will address them in separate appropriate instruments.

5. Coordination and facilitation of cooperative activities

  1. The activities under this MOU will be facilitated by the Participants.
  2. Each Participant may designate another entity to carry out this MOU on its behalf, if it ceases to be in charge of certain subject matters covered in this MOU. The Participant designating another entity will notify the other Participant in writing within 60 calendar days of making this decision.
  3. The Participants understand that cooperation under this MOU will be developed and carried out by various stakeholders within the science, technology and innovation communities.
  4. The Participants will encourage and facilitate the development of direct contacts between interested academia, government institutions, and businesses.

6. Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee

  1. The Participants will continue the Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee (JSTCC) established in the 2017 MOU, to monitor and evaluate past and current activities, and review and guide future activities.
  2. The JSTCC meetings will involve official representatives of the Participants. If appropriate, the Participants will ask relevant national partners and/or experts to attend individual meetings.
  3. The JSTCC will meet biennially, alternately in Canada and the United Kingdom. Other meetings may be held as mutually decided by the Participants.
  4. Each Participant will bear the costs of its participation in the JSTCC. The Participant that hosts a JSTCC meeting will bear the costs, other than those of travel, accommodation, and daily allowances of the visiting Participant delegation, which are directly associated with the meeting and approved by the host Participant.

7. Funding

  1. The Participants understand that cooperation under this MOU is subject to their respective interests and priorities and the availability of their respective resources.
  2. The Participants understand that this MOU is not committing them to financially support cooperation carried out under this MOU.

8. Status

This MOU is not legally binding under national nor international law.

9. Final dispositions

  1. This MOU will take effect on the date of its last signature by the Participants and will remain valid for a period of 10 years.
  2. The Participants may amend or terminate this MOU upon their mutual written consent.
  3. Either Participant may terminate this MOU by giving a written notice of at least 90 days to the other Participant.

Signed in duplicate at Ottawa, on this 30 day of January 2024, in the English and French languages, each version being equally valid.

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne

For the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada

The Right Honourable Michelle Donelan

For the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Annex A - Areas of cooperation

The Participants will encourage research and innovation cooperation across all areas. The following areas will receive a particular focus, and the Participants may jointly decide to encourage research in any other areas.

Life sciences

Sustainability and net zero

Digital and emerging technology

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