
Creating a unique online brand experience for Canadian exporters

Date: September 19, 2024
Venue: Online
Location: Florida, United States of America
Target Audience: Canadian exporters wishing to strengthen their global brand image and increase their exports and sales in their international target markets, and whose annual sales exceed $3 million.
Sector: Aerospace, Agriculture and processed foods, Arts and cultural industries, Automotive, Chemicals, Clean technologies, Consumer products, Defence and security, Financial and insurance services, Fish and seafood, Forestry and wood products, Industrial machinery, Infrastructure, Ocean technologies, Professional services

Event description

Join the Trade Commissioner Service for the free webinar Creating a Unique Online Brand Experience for Canadian Exporters to learn about:

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm-2:00 pm (EST)

Register to attend

Why your organization should participate

Trade Commissioner(s) involvement

Activities organized by the Trade Commissioner Service

The Trade Commissioner, Matthew Waldron (, specializes in the information and communications technologies, and wine, beer and spirits sectors for the Florida, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands markets and can provide information on this and other local events that you are considering, as well as advice on business development in the region. The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service offers services free of charge to Canadian exporters and companies that meet our client criteria.

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