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Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning Science, Technology and Innovation

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This MOU is no longer valid. Canada and the United Kingdom have signed a new MOU concerning cooperation over scientific research and innovation on January 30, 2024. This new MOU is valid until 2034.

The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada and the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”,

Wishing to strengthen bilateral cooperation across all fields of research, and in science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship;

Recognizing that research, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation are fundamental to economic growth and prosperity; that their countries are global leaders in complementary research, development and innovation areas; that international collaboration is mutually beneficial to the researchers and businesses of their countries; and that to succeed in the global innovation economy, there is a need to strengthen their respective abilities to accelerate the commercialization of emerging technologies and the growth of domestic firms;

Endeavouring to promote the inclusion of under-represented groups, including women, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities throughout the research and innovation continuum, in order to share the ensuing opportunities and economic benefits in both countries;

Aspiring to develop and strengthen partnerships that ensure both countries’ access to leading technologies, scientific advances, and mutually beneficial opportunities to promote the growth of domestic firms;

Building on existing Canada-United Kingdom research and innovation initiatives as well as on new bilateral or multilateral initiatives in research and innovation in which they each may take part;

Have come to the following understanding:

  1. Purpose
    • The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is for the Participants to enhance cooperation between the government bodies, knowledge based institutions, clusters, and businesses of their respective countries in all areas of research, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation that are of highest strategic priority to both countries.
  2. Objectives
    The objectives of this MOU are to:
    • (i) facilitate increased access to technology, markets and talent;
    • (ii) facilitate advanced research and development cooperation between centers of excellence, clusters, research facilities, commercialization hubs and businesses in areas of mutual interest;
    • (iii) build linkages between research activities, market-oriented networks and research and innovation agencies to explore how best to support research and innovation and foster partnerships between academia, government institutions, and businesses with a view to converting advanced research into commercial applications;
    • (iv) support efforts to integrate knowledge-based institutions, clusters and businesses from both countries into global value chain and research projects, and to foster matchmaking at selected events and initiatives;
    • (v) encourage the sharing of best practices between the research and innovation ecosystems of both countries, at the governmental, institutional, academic and industry levels; and
    • (vi) foster the participation of under-represented groups throughout the research and innovation continuum and ecosystem.
  3. Forms of Cooperation
    The Participants understand that their cooperation may include:
    • (i) the exchange of information related to research, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation, including on practices, policies, laws, and other regulations;
    • (ii) joint seminars, symposia, conferences and workshops;
    • (iii) business development, technology partnering missions, matchmaking initiatives and the sharing of leads and opportunities;
    • (iv) collaborative research and development initiatives, including through existing mechanisms;
    • (v) shared use of resources and infrastructure;
    • (vi) mobility initiatives such as the exchange of researchers,  academics, business professionals, students, and technical experts;
    • (vii) any other form of cooperation they may mutually decide upon.
  4. Sectors of Cooperation
    • (a) The Participants will consider cooperation in the following initial priority sectors:
      • (i) Advanced Manufacturing;
      • (ii) Agricultural Technologies;
      • (iii) Clean Technologies;
      • (iv) Quantum Technologies;
    • (b) The Participants will pursue collaboration in any other sectors of cooperation they may mutually decide upon.
  5. Intellectual Property
    Intellectual property rights arising from this MOU will be attributed and protected in accordance with the participants’ respective national laws, unless otherwise decided upon by those participating in the activity.
  6. Coordination and facilitation of cooperative activities
    • (a) The activities under this MOU will be effected by the Participants. The Participants may designate another party or organization to implement this MOU on their behalf if they cease to be responsible for the subject matter in this MOU. The Participant designating another party or organization will notify the other Participant in writing within 60 calendar days of making this decision.
    • (b) The Participants understand that cooperation under this MOU will be developed and carried out by various stakeholders.
    • (c) The Participants will encourage and facilitate the development of direct contact between interested academia, government institutions, and businesses.
  7. Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee
    • (a) The Participants will create a Joint Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Committee (JC), composed of representatives from each country. Each Participant will notify the other Participant of the parties or organizations that will comprise this Joint Committee.
    • (b) The functions of the JC will be to:
      • (i) promote and review the cooperative activities, including their effectiveness, functioning, and efficiency, laid out in this MOU;
      • (ii) identify and review the priority areas of cooperative activities at the JC biennial meetings.
      • (iii) advise stakeholders on ways to enhance and improve cooperation consistent with the objectives of this MOU;
      • (iv) designate and/or carry out any other activities identified at the JC meetings;
    • (c) The JC will meet every year, alternately in Canada and the United Kingdom. The JC will decide the form, location, and content of the annual meetings. Other meetings may be held as mutually decided.
    • (d) Each Participant will bear the cost of its participation in the JC in the exercise of its functions. The Participant that hosts a JC meeting will bear the costs, other than those of travel, accommodation, and daily allowances of the visiting Participant delegation, which are directly associated with the meeting.
  8. Funding
    • (a)The Participants understand that cooperation under this MOU is subject to the interest of the respective stakeholders and the availability of their respective resources.
    • (b)The Participants understand that the MOU is not committing them to financially support cooperation carried out under this MOU.
  9. Status
    This MOU is not legally binding under national or international law.
  10. Final Dispositions
    • (a)This MOU will take effect on the date of its last signature by the Participants and will remain valid for a period of 10 years.
    • (b)The Participants may amend or terminate this MOU upon their mutual written consent.
    • (c)A Participant may terminate this MOU by giving a written notice of at least 90 days to the other Participant.

Signed in duplicate at _______, on this ____ day of _____ 2017, in the English and French languages, each version being equally valid.



For the Department of Global Affairs Canada



For the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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